Story Time & Google Home – FPP160
In this episode, Jeffy tells us about an alternative to Amazon Echo, Google Home. Reuben has another experience of things a happening in pairs.
In this episode, Jeffy tells us about an alternative to Amazon Echo, Google Home. Reuben has another experience of things a happening in pairs.
In this episode, Mr. Dave makes his monthly appearance, this time he tells stories from past US elections that have been more bizarre than 2016. It seems hard to believe but it’s true. [poll id=”16″] In this episode, Mr. Dave makes his monthly appearance, this time he tells stories from past US elections that have
Presidential Election Stories from History with Mr. Dave – FPP159 Read More »
In this episode, Reuben briefly explains the goat story regarding the Cubs as well as introducing the new logo for the podcast (please vote). Leighton talks about his amazing weekend, and Jeff introduces us to “Is It a Word?”
Leighton visited the famous Blue Field of Boise State for a football game and Jeffy tells of some haunted locations in Northern Indiana.