Knocked Out in Wisconsin — FPP506
Nicholas’s second adventure in Wisconsin had to do with a skiing accident.
Nicholas’s second adventure in Wisconsin had to do with a skiing accident.
Reuben faces a facial hair decision: should he keep his mustache or go back to a full beard? Leighton, Jeff, and Nicholas weigh in on the decision and provide a before and after facial hair score. You can weigh in too with a comment on Facebook. If a peanut is not a nut is it
Reuben plays pickleball with completely random strangers and chooses to play in the intermediate section. Big mistake. On the way to Wisconsin, someone from Nicholas’s crew get’s lost in Walmart.
Humble Pickleball Pie & Lost in Walmart — FPP504 Read More »
Reuben accidentally buys two water heaters for his remodel project. Leighton did his best to win the ugly sweater contest at the PWI Christmas party, and Reuben was struck with confusion whether polar bears hibernate or not.